
  • [Jan 2025] : Journal accepted at Robotics Automation Letters (RAL).
  • [Oct 2024] : Paper accepted at LangRob Workshop, Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL).
  • [May 2024] : Started Internship at Hindustan Unilever.
  • [May 2024] : Got Selected for Google Summer of Code Program at Project Mesa
  • [May 2024] : Started Research Internship at Intelligent Robotics and Interactive Systems, ASU.
  • [Feb 2024] : Attended the Google Research Week, 2024.
  • [Aug 2023] : Presented my Houshold Bot Project at G20 Summit at Varanasi, India.
  • [May 2023] : Started Research Internship at Robot Learning Lab, University of Freiburg.
  • [Feb 2023] : Got nominated for DAAD WISE Scholarship and IUSSTF-Viterbi India Program.
  • [June 2022] : Appointed as Secretary of Robotics Club, IIT BHU.
  • [May 2022] : Started Research Internship at Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad.
  • [May 2022] : Got Selected for Google Summer of Code Program at Open Robotics.
  • [March 2021] : Stood first in Robotics Conclave and Scientist of Utopia at Technex (Annual Technical Fest of IIT BHU).
  • [Nov 2020] : Started Integrated BTech + Mtech in Electrical Engineering at IIT BHU


Zero-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation for Mobile Manipulation

Daniel Honerkamp*, Harsh Mahesheka*, Jan Ole von Hartz, Tim Welschehold, Abhinav Valada
Accepted at IEEE Robotics Automation Letters (RA-L)

Language-Model-Assisted Bi-Level Programming for Reward Learning from Internet Videos

Harsh Mahesheka, Zhixian Xie, Zhaoran Wang, Wanxin Jin
Accepted at LangRob Workshop at Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024


Intelligent Robotics and Interactive Systems Lab, Arizona State University

Research Internship Under Dr. Wanxin Jin and Dr. Zhaoran Wang
Developed a hierarchical VLM-LLM architecture for inverse reinforcement learning from videos by generating reward functions. The framework uses a high-level VLM (Gemini 1.5) to analyze expert and learner videos, providing feedback that a low-level LLM (GPT-4) uses to update the reward function.

Robot Learning Lab, University of Freiburg

DAAD-WISE Research Internship Under Dr. Abhinav Valada
Developed an RL-based planner to generate base velocities for mobile manipulators, enabling them to achieve end-effector goal poses provided by the teleoperator. Utilized the planner to streamline the collection of demonstrations for kinesthetic learning.

Google Summer of Code - Project Mesa

Student Developer at Project Mesa
Enhanced the Mesa agent-based modeling framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning by creating wrappers and functions for seamless integration with reinforcement learning libraries like RLlib and Stable Baselines. Created tutorials and documentation for getting started.

Google Summer of Code - Open Robotics

Student Developer at Open Robotics
Created a tool for generating template packages for the Gazebo simulator and macros for installing and sourcing worlds, models, plugins, etc., in the Gazebo robotics simulator. These tools were designed to streamline the process of creating and deploying new packages.

Hindustan Unilever

Tech Intern at Mumbai HO
Energy Optimizer: Used machine learning and data analytics to develop a tool to serve as an end-to-end solution for optimizing parameters to enhance factory energy efficiency, generating energy insights worth 3.5 crores.

Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad

Research Internship Under Dr. K. Madhava Krishna
Worked on an RL-based Global Planner trained to reduce localization drift by avoiding symmetric or featureless areas. Also worked on grounding waypoints on annotated maps by analyzing complex language commands in indoor environments.


Mesa RL

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning framework for Mesa Simulator

Multi-Purpose Household Robot

Fabricated a ground robot to perform household chores and baby care.

Multi-Agent Pick Up and Delivery System

Designed and fabricated Omni-directional ROS-based mobile robot for warehouse delivery.

Autonomus Wheelchair

Implemented autonomus navigation on a physical wheelchair in indoor environment.

UAV Control and Swarming

Cascaded PID-based control and swarm motion of drones.

UAV Guided UGV Navigation

UAV aided mapping and localization for a UGV to autonomously traverse in mountainous terrains.

JerBot – a bio-mimetic bipedal robot

Formulated an alternate design for biped locomotion, mimicking Jerboa.

Package creation tool

Tool for creating starter packages for gazebo simulator.

Cutlery Sorting Arm

ROS integrated 4 DOF robotic arm, for sorting Cutlery.